...since 1839 in Georgetown
...1836 - 2021 in Glen Williams
To Visit the St. John's United Church
Facebook Page, click here
To Visit The Sanctuary Concert Hall Facebook page, click here
~ gratefully received and promptly receipted ~
You may wish to send us an e-transfer at: givings@stjohnsuc.ca (please let us know your contact info including the mailing address so we can send you a tax receipt)
You may wish to use the visitor envelope in your seat rack at any service.
You may wish to ask for a box of envelopes: a more discreet way to give.
You may wish to arrange for a monthly debit from your bank account, easy to set up and no fuss on Sundays.
You may wish to make a gift of securities, which can have significant tax advantages.
You can also mail a cheque payable to:
St. John’s United Church
11 Guelph Street
Georgetown, ON L7G 3Z1
or pay by e-transfer: