...since 1839 in Georgetown
...1836 - 2021 in Glen Williams
To Visit the St. John's United Church
Facebook Page, click here
To Visit The Sanctuary Concert Hall Facebook page, click here
What time does church begin?
Church services begin at 10:00am and last for approximately one hour.
When should I arrive for church?
The Sunday morning service starts at 10:00am. If you come early, you can enjoy a coffee and meet new friends in “The Nook” beginning around 9:30am. Just before 10:00am, someone will highlight three to four announcements, of interest to the community and the people of St. John’s. After the service, you are invited to stay for coffee, juice and goodies in Celebration Hall on the main level. Hospitality and good food are hallmarks of just about everything we do at St. John’s.
What should I wear?
We care about you, not what you are wearing. You will see everything from casual to dressy.
Are the pews uncomfortable? Do I need a pillow on which to sit?
We no longer have pews in our sanctuary. We have sturdy wooden chairs with extremely comfortable cushions on the back/rear. Please bring whatever you need to be comfortable.
What is a typical service like?
It is easy to follow along: the words to songs and prayers appear on a big screen up front. Language throughout the service and all the music is inclusive, meaning we never say “he” when we mean “everyone,” and we refer to God in words that aren’t restricted to male images. There is a tray of candles at the front (bottom of the ramp) and you are invited to light a candle, in prayer for a loved one, at any time before, during or after the service. We sit or stand for prayers. Music varies from classical, old hymn favourites and pop, to catchy rhythms and the best new music from modern composers. There is a Children’s Time at the front; most Sundays children then depart for “The G.A.M.E.” (God and My Education) with their leaders. Some Sundays, the entire service is designed to interest both children and adults too. Occasionally, a short video, a skit, or a special performance illustrates the day’s theme.
May I bring children?
Of course. A caregiver looks after our youngest guests in the BabyZone upstairs on the third floor, or you may choose to seat them beside you during worship. After Children’s Time, children may go out to The G.A.M.E. (God And My Education) for Sunday School.
Is the church accessible?
At our Georgetown location, there is one reserved parking space for vehicles showing the blue accessibility sticker, in the front parking lot off Chapel Street. The building is fully accessible and has an elevator to reach the sanctuary and upper third floor classrooms. Our rear church doors are equipped with an automatic accessibility button.
How do I reach the minister if I need to talk, or have a concern?
Our minister would love to talk to you. Please click here to learn more, or email directly at minister@stjohnsuc.ca