...since 1839 in Georgetown
...1836 - 2021 in Glen Williams
To Visit the St. John's United Church
Facebook Page, click here
To Visit The Sanctuary Concert Hall Facebook page, click here
Once a month, St. John’s offers the community a home-cooked lunch followed by fellowship at the Georgetown church. Lunch starts at 11am and the fellowship lasts until about 1pm. Ev’s Kitchen is held the last Friday of every month except July and August.
This free, community lunch has continued to grow, serving a healthy 3-course lunch to over 40 people each month. Are you interested in helping?
Food for Life Canada distributes surplus perishable food (fruit and vegetables, meat and dairy, prepared foods and baked goods) free of charge to 45 outreach programs (like St. John’s) and 40 social agencies throughout Halton Region. Every Tuesday morning (beginning at 8:30am) at St. John’s Georgetown, many volunteers (including shoppers) assist in setting-up, sorting, distributing and cleaning-up. Thank you to everyone who makes soup/sandwiches each week. The North storage room was assigned to the donated clothing program. Shelving units were purchased.
Shoppers maintain this very popular service. Shoppers continue to assist with the set-up the tables and chairs, unloading the Food for Life truck, sorting the food, and cleaning up. Supporting the shoppers are over 25 wonderful volunteers from St. John’s and our community.
For more information, please call or email the church office: 905-877-2531 or office@stjohnsuc.ca