...since 1839 in Georgetown
...1836 - 2021 in Glen Williams
To Visit the St. John's United Church
Facebook Page, click here
To Visit The Sanctuary Concert Hall Facebook page, click here
St. John's United Church of Georgetown and Glen Williams
11 Guelph Street
Georgetown, ON
L7G 3Z1
Closest Main Intersection: Guelph Street and Main Street
Church office hours:
Mon/Tues/Thurs/Fri: 8:30am to 1:30pm
Wednesday: closed
Tel: 905-877-2531
Email: office@stjohnsuc.ca
Additional Contact Information:
St. John’s Facebook page: www.facebook.com/StJohnsUnited
St. John's YouTube page: click here
Minister (Pastor Sue Cowan): minister@stjohnsuc.ca
Music Director (Mark Peterson): music@stjohnsuc.ca
Church Council Co-Chair (Rob Allison): rcallison54@gmail.com
Church Council Co-Chair (Marcia Moorcroft): marcia.moorcroft@gmail.com
Church contact info: office@stjohnsuc.ca or 905-877-2531
Church Mailing Address: 11 Guelph Street, Georgetown, Ontario, L7G 3Z1